State licensure for perfusion and if it has been benefit to the profession. State Licensure for Perfusion - Advantages. State Licensure for Perfusion - Disadvantages.
How healthcare professionals are guided by ethical obligations during disasters and the emotional conflicts that causes for the healthcare professional with a family
Use of pump standby and the need to remain vigilant as things can happen quickly. Development of TAVI protocol for emergency. TAVI / TAVR Perfusion Standby
The use of ECMO in pediatric patients. Thomas MacGillivray, MD and Mr. Curt Shelley, MEd, RRT-NPS lecture and discuss congenital heart disease and adulthood
Pediatric ECMO and is interviewed by Joe Basha, CCP about the program he is the director of at Memorial Hermann, Memorial Children's, Texas Medical Center
A unique program showing a multi-camera view of the operating field, the heart/lung machine and the hemodynamic monitors all synced. Narration and explanations by a fantastic panel
Novel anticoagulants part II. Joe Basha, CCP explores more about novel anticoagulants and the unique challenges associated with them in the cardiac surgery patient
Fluid/volume management of the cardiac patient undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass and fluid management of the critical care patient in the Intensive Care Unit
Comprehensive lectures on Thromboelastography (TEG) including waveform interpretation and discussing the associated blood component needed to restore hemostasis
The worlds leaders in Thromboelastography (TEG) and Thromboelastography (TEG) interpretation. Julie Wegner, Ph.D. and Dr. Oxana Volod discus the use of TEG
Hemodynamic monitoring in the critical care unit. Dive into advanced hemodynamic monitoring and how these monitoring practices help improve outcomes in the critically ill
lectures on non or minimally invasive cardiac output devices. The advantages and challenges in regards to accuracy and dependability in artificial circulatory support and ECMO
Dr. Hany Samir and a panel of experienced perfusionists describe and discuss ECMO cannulation strategies for ARDS, Cardiac Failure or full CardioPulmonary support
Data on the commonality of clot burden in the ECMO circuit and how difficult it is to detect without a tool that can directly measure intra - oxygenator volume
Cannulation Strategies for ECMO Support of the Transcatheter Aortic Valve. Backup perfusion coverage for TAVR is a standard of care in the United States
The physical therapy of long term ECMO patients. Ambulating our ECMO patients to maintain their muscle tone and balance - Christine Perme, PT, CCS, FCCM
Controversies in perfusion and cardiac surgery are common place. This program explores the controversial topic of transfusion and lowest acceptable hematocrit on pump
Use of Del Nido cardioplegia in adult cardiac surgery has gained in popularity, many variations to the original Del Nido formula have come into vogue. Is this a safe cardioplegia?