Prakash Balan

Prakash Balan, MD

Dr. Prakash Balan is a board certified Physician and Assistant Professor for the Department of Internal Medicine at McGovern Medical School at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth).

Prakash Balan, MD lectures:

PerfWeb 23 – Concepts in ECMO – Part 2
4 Reviews

ECMO and CRRT. ECMO patient selection. ECMO cannulation strategies. Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT). Indications for CRRT renal replacement
$39 FREE with
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PerfWeb 23 Patient selection for VA ECMO. ECMO weaning and termination
14 Reviews

Dr. Prakash Balan discusses ECMO and patient selection, ECMO maintenance strategies and ECMO weaning and termination. VA ECMO. ECMO without Myocardial Recovery
$14.7 FREE with
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PerfWeb 27 TAVR - SAVR Update on outcomes; Cannulation strategies for ECMO - Day 3
2 Reviews

Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement TAVR and Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement SAVR: Update on outcomes. Cannulation strategies for ECMO support of the TAVR
$31.5 FREE with
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PerfWeb 57 — MediWeb Spring Conference — Day 3
3 Reviews

Anticoagulation free ECMO: Does this improve outcomes? CRRT: How is it used, is it beneficial, can benefit be measured? Ultrafiltration for volume management on CPB
$117 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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TransCatheter Valve Replacement (TAVR) and SAVR-Update on Outcome
1 Reviews

The latest outcomes data on TransCatheter Valve Replacement (TAVR) Vs. Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement (SAVR). TAVR and SAVR - Update on Outcome
$7.2 FREE with
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Cannulation Strategies for ECMO Support of the Transcatheter Aortic Valve
17 Reviews

Cannulation Strategies for ECMO Support of the Transcatheter Aortic Valve. Backup perfusion coverage for TAVR is a standard of care in the United States
$22.2 FREE with
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