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Courses by Topic: Legislative

PerfWeb 14 – The Arguments For And Against State Licensure For Perfusion.
6 Reviews

The Arguments For And Against State Licensure For Perfusion. A lively debate about State Licensure for perfusionists | Perfusion Education
$36 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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PerfWeb 15 – Charting-Electronic Charting-LivaNova Connect.
4 Reviews

Lecture about the benefits of electronic charting. Improvement in outcomes and workflow. Evaluation of the different electronic charting tools for perfusion
$36 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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TNOC 2019 Day 2 Ethical considerations for allied health professionals Debra Adams, CCP
0 Reviews

Debra Adams, CCP; Ethics committee member of AmSECT discusses how we manage ethical conflict in the hospital and cardiac surgery department | Perfusion
$17.1 FREE with
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How should a perfusionist deal with a difficult surgeon? - Day 3
3 Reviews

How should a perfusionist deal with a difficult surgeon? A conversation with your colleagues | Perfusion Education
$27 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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State Licensure for Perfusion For and Against - Perfusion Education
0 Reviews

State licensure for perfusion and if it has been benefit to the profession. State Licensure for Perfusion - Advantages. State Licensure for Perfusion - Disadvantages.
$30.9 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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What we can all Learn from Traveling Perfusionists, Lessons from the Road
3 Reviews

An all star panel of experienced, traveling perfusionists discuss the commonalities and differences of various heart programs around the country and how perfusion is approached
$35.4 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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