Differences between Continuous Veno-Venous Hemofiltration (CVVH) and Intermittent Hemodialysis (IHD)
Differences between Continuous Veno-Venous Hemofiltration (CVVH) and Intermittent Hemodialysis (IHD)

Differences between Continuous Veno-Venous Hemofiltration (CVVH) and Intermittent Hemodialysis (IHD)

  • Faculty: Program director Joseph Basha, CCP
  • Date: May 29th, 2020 9:00 am
  • CEU’s: 0.94 CEUs
  • Price: $14.1
  • Category 1 SDCE CEU
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Joe Basha, CCP and Minh Tran, CCP review what Continuous Veno-Venous Hemofiltration (CVVH) is and the differences between CVVH and Intermittent Hemodialysis (IHD).
Also described are the differences in diffusive and convective clearances. 

Exploring the Nuances of Continuous Veno-Venous Hemofiltration and Intermittent Hemodialysis: A Deep Dive into Renal Replacement Therapies

In the ever-evolving field of medical technology, Continuous Veno-Venous Hemofiltration (CVVH) and Intermittent Hemodialysis (IHD) stand out as critical modalities for managing acute renal failure and related conditions. Joe Basha, CCP, and Minh Tran, CCP, through an enlightening discussion, shed light on the intricacies of these life-saving procedures, offering a comparative analysis that underscores their differences, applications, and the significance of diffusive and convective clearances in patient care.

The Essence of Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT)

At the heart of this exploration is Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT), a term that, while often synonymously used with CVVH, encapsulates a broader spectrum of renal support therapies. Basha criticizes the nomenclature for its limited scope, arguing that CRRT transcends mere dialysis, addressing not just renal insufficiency but also fluid overload, electrolyte and acid-base imbalances, and even the removal of certain inflammatory mediators. This comprehensive approach underscores the therapy's goal of restoring and maintaining homeostasis, providing an optimal physiological environment for the body's organs to function harmoniously.

The Rationale Behind CVVH

CVVH exists to bridge the gap between the capabilities of traditional dialysis and the body's natural renal function. The discussion delineates how dialysis primarily excels at removing smaller molecules through diffusive clearance, falling short as the molecular size increases. In contrast, CVVH, with its focus on convective clearance, targets the removal of middle to larger molecules, aiming to mimic the kidney's broader clearance profile. This methodological shift from diffusion to convection is pivotal in managing patients with renal failure, offering a tailored approach that addresses the limitations of intermittent hemodialysis.

The Journey to CVVH

Basha's foray into the world of CVVH was sparked by a seminal paper by Claudio Ronco and Ronaldo Bellomo, which investigated the dosing for CRRT. Their findings, based on a comparison of different fluid replacement rates, highlighted a significant impact on patient survival, underscoring the importance of optimal dosing in CRRT. This revelation not only solidified Basha's interest in the field but also emphasized the need for a nuanced understanding of how different CRRT modalities, including CVVH, can be optimized for patient care.

The Mechanisms at Play

Delving into the mechanics, the conversation covers the principles of ultrafiltration, diffusive, and convective clearances. These mechanisms facilitate the removal of solutes and fluids, each playing a unique role in the therapy's efficacy. Ultrafiltration, driven by hydrostatic force, moves plasma water across a membrane, while diffusive clearance leverages a concentration gradient to balance solute levels. Convective clearance, however, employs a combination of hydrostatic pressure and solute drag to remove larger molecules, offering a closer approximation to natural kidney function.

The Clinical Impact of CVVH

CVVH's application, particularly in scenarios of acute renal failure, fluid overload, and metabolic disturbances, offers a testament to its versatility. The therapy's ability to attenuate inflammatory mediators, though debated, adds another layer to its therapeutic potential, particularly in the context of systemic inflammatory responses. The discussion also touches on adsorption, a process by which inflammatory mediators adhere to the filter media, potentially reducing their circulating levels.

Reflecting on Real-world Applications

The discourse extends beyond the technical, exploring the practical implications of CVVH in clinical settings. The dialogue reflects on anecdotal experiences and the critical need for timely intervention, especially in critically ill patients. The emphasis on aggressive, early use of CRRT modalities like CVVH highlights a proactive approach to patient care, aiming to mitigate the progression of renal and multi-organ failure.

The Future of Renal Replacement Therapy

As the conversation concludes, the forward-looking perspective on the evolution of CRRT, including advancements in filter technology and adsorptive properties, promises a continued refinement of renal replacement therapies. The exploration of newer modalities, such as cytosorb, and their role in managing inflammatory responses, signifies the ongoing quest for more effective treatments.

In essence, the detailed analysis provided by Joe Basha and Minh Tran not only enriches our understanding of CVVH and its distinction from IHD but also illuminates the broader implications of these therapies in managing complex renal and systemic conditions. Their insights offer a comprehensive overview that is as informative as it is thought-provoking, highlighting the dynamic interplay between technology, physiology, and patient care in the realm of renal replacement therapy.

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Meet Your Instructor

Program director Joseph Basha, CCP

Program director Joseph Basha, CCP

Joseph has been a practicing clinical perfusionist for 40 years. Joseph is the CEO of Houston Extracorporeal Technologies and is the program director of The New Orleans Conference

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