Pump Standby – When and how? Disasters and the Healthcare Professional. The panel discusses best practices for pump standby preparation | Perfusion Education
Shows a split screen perspective of what is happening at the pump simultaneous to what is happening in the operative field. Guest Mark Mettauer, MD | Perfusion
Joe discusses fluid balance, fluid resuscitation and fluid selection in cardiac surgery and the critically ill. Hosted by Joseph Basha, CCP | Perfusion Education
Delivery of Oxygen and Acute Renal Injury, Making the Connection. Cardiopulmonary Bypass; is our use of Phenylephrine Causing Acute Kidney Injury? ECMO economics
Renal Function, AKI, and Fluid Balance for the perfusionist. What are the drivers of urine production? Does UF on CPB reduce urine output? What is AKI?