Perfusion Education and ABCP CEU
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Courses by #hastag: Cardiopulmonarybypass

PerfWeb 16 – Pump Standby. Disasters and the Healthcare Professional
49 Reviews

Pump Standby – When and how? Disasters and the Healthcare Professional. The panel discusses best practices for pump standby preparation | Perfusion Education
$30 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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PerfWeb 18 – Pump and Operative Field Shown Simultaneously - Mark Mettauer, MD
7 Reviews

Shows a split screen perspective of what is happening at the pump simultaneous to what is happening in the operative field. Guest Mark Mettauer, MD | Perfusion
$37.5 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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PerfWeb 20 – Priming solutions and volume management on CPB
9 Reviews

Joe discusses fluid balance, fluid resuscitation and fluid selection in cardiac surgery and the critically ill. Hosted by Joseph Basha, CCP | Perfusion Education
$30 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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PerfWeb 23 – Concepts in ECMO–Part 1
8 Reviews

Delivery of Oxygen and Acute Renal Injury, Making the Connection. Cardiopulmonary Bypass; is our use of Phenylephrine Causing Acute Kidney Injury? ECMO economics
$39 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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PerfWeb 25 – Renal Function,  AKI, and Fluid Balance for the perfusionist - 2.0 Part 1
26 Reviews

Renal Function, AKI, and Fluid Balance for the perfusionist. What are the drivers of urine production? Does UF on CPB reduce urine output? What is AKI?
$30 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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TNOC 2019 Day2 Validating graft patency to improved outcome following coronary artery bypass surgery
1 Reviews

Devinder Bhatia, MD discuss Benefits of Validating graft patency to asure high quality outcome following coronary artery bypass surgery
$24.3 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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