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Courses by #hastag: CRRT

Common Problems of the ICU Patient. Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
20 Reviews

Management of the Critical Care Unit patient. Common problems of the ICU patient. What is the role of the CRRT (Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy)
$21 FREE with
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Mastering Z-BUF in Hyperkalemia. My Near Misses
27 Reviews

Explore Z-BUF for hyperkalemia. My Near Misses - Joe discusses 4 cases that nearly ended in disaster and would likely have been career ending
$54 FREE with
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Optimizing Renal Replacement Therapy for Patients Who Need Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation ECMO
1 Reviews

Use of Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) during Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) therapy and debate the use of CRRT as continuous dialysis
$33 FREE with
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PerfWeb 11 – CVVH / CRRT: What Is It And Why We Should Use It More
48 Reviews

CVVH / CRRT: What Is It And Why We Should Use It More.Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy. Veno-Venous Hemofiltration. Discussion on fluid balance and mortality
$39 FREE with
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PerfWeb 23 – Concepts in ECMO – Part 2
4 Reviews

ECMO and CRRT. ECMO patient selection. ECMO cannulation strategies. Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT). Indications for CRRT renal replacement
$39 FREE with
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PerfWeb 57 — MediWeb Spring Conference — Day 3
3 Reviews

Anticoagulation free ECMO: Does this improve outcomes? CRRT: How is it used, is it beneficial, can benefit be measured? Ultrafiltration for volume management on CPB
$117 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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