Perfusion Education and ABCP CEU
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Courses by #hastag: hemodynamic

PerfWeb 27 Advanced hemodynamic monitoring Non invasive cardiac output devices - Day 2
2 Reviews

Advanced hemodynamic monitoring. Non invasive cardiac output devices.
$27 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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Advanced hemodynamic monitoring in the critical care unit - Katie Kim, RN
13 Reviews

Hemodynamic monitoring in the critical care unit. Dive into advanced hemodynamic monitoring and how these monitoring practices help improve outcomes in the critically ill
$8.4 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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The ABC of ABG. Ph stat vs. Alpha stat ABG for Profound Hypothermia
23 Reviews

We begin with the basics, explaining the components of ABG, including pH, PaCO2, PaO2, HCO3-, and SaO2. This foundational knowledge is crucial for perfusionists
$36 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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Addressing Hemodynamic Challenges and CPB Weaning Techniques
19 Reviews

This segment will provide an in-depth understanding of the dynamics of blood flow, pressure, and resistance in the cardiovascular system
$36 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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Mastering Hemodynamic Waveform Analysis
23 Reviews

webinar is particularly designed for perfusionists, cardiac nurses, and other healthcare professionals who are keen on advancing their knowledge and skills in cardiac monitoring
$18 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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