Perfusion Education and ABCP CEU
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Courses by #hastag: perfusion

Disasters and the Healthcare Professional - Joseph Basha, CCP
0 Reviews

How healthcare professionals are guided by ethical obligations during disasters and the emotional conflicts that causes for the healthcare professional with a family
$14.1 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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Pump Standby When and How - Perfusion Education - Nathanial Bedair CCP
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Use of pump standby and the need to remain vigilant as things can happen quickly. Development of TAVI protocol for emergency. TAVI / TAVR Perfusion Standby
$10.8 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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Adult Congenital Heart Disease. The use of ECMO in pediatric patients.
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The use of ECMO in pediatric patients. Thomas MacGillivray, MD and Mr. Curt Shelley, MEd, RRT-NPS lecture and discuss congenital heart disease and adulthood
$17.1 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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Pediatric Perfusion, Pediatric ECMO - Mr. Curt Shelley, MEd, RRT-NPS
1 Reviews

Pediatric ECMO and is interviewed by Joe Basha, CCP about the program he is the director of at Memorial Hermann, Memorial Children's, Texas Medical Center
$16.8 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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Pump and Operative Field Shown Simultaneously - Mark Mettauer MD
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A unique program showing a multi-camera view of the operating field, the heart/lung machine and the hemodynamic monitors all synced. Narration and explanations by a fantastic panel
$32.4 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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Novel Anticoagulants Part 2, unique challenges associated with them in the cardiac surgery patient
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Novel anticoagulants part II. Joe Basha, CCP explores more about novel anticoagulants and the unique challenges associated with them in the cardiac surgery patient
$16.2 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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