Perfusion Education and ABCP CEU
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Courses by #hastag: perfusion

PerfWeb 57 — MediWeb Spring Conference — Day 3
3 Reviews

Anticoagulation free ECMO: Does this improve outcomes? CRRT: How is it used, is it beneficial, can benefit be measured? Ultrafiltration for volume management on CPB
$117 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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PerfWeb 57 — MediWeb Spring Conference — Day 4
4 Reviews

First ever multi-studio, multi-day, interdisciplinary virtual educational event. Advanced review of ventilator settings for ARDS: Optimizing native lung contribution
$121.5 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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ECMO - Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation - ECMO Delivery Techniques
1 Reviews

ECMO delivery techniques and share the differences in practice protocols between them. ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) usage in adults in United States
$31.8 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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Cerebral Embolic Protection Devices - Alan Lumsden, MD
0 Reviews

Cerebral Embolic Protection Devices and the new stroke classification and stroke mitigation strategies - Alan Lumsden, MD
$20.1 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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State Licensure for Perfusion For and Against - Perfusion Education
0 Reviews

State licensure for perfusion and if it has been benefit to the profession. State Licensure for Perfusion - Advantages. State Licensure for Perfusion - Disadvantages.
$30.9 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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Electronic Charting - EHR Options for Perfusion - Patrick O'Toole, CCP
0 Reviews

Electronics Medical Records for Perfusionist. Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Record EHR. Affordable Healthcare Act and President Obama
$25.8 FREE with
Unlimited Plan
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