Cannulation Strategies for ECMO Support of the Transcatheter Aortic Valve. Backup perfusion coverage for TAVR is a standard of care in the United States
The physical therapy of long term ECMO patients. Ambulating our ECMO patients to maintain their muscle tone and balance - Christine Perme, PT, CCS, FCCM
Controversies in perfusion and cardiac surgery are common place. This program explores the controversial topic of transfusion and lowest acceptable hematocrit on pump
Use of Del Nido cardioplegia in adult cardiac surgery has gained in popularity, many variations to the original Del Nido formula have come into vogue. Is this a safe cardioplegia?
ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) patient selection is a complex and difficult decision for any healthcare provider that decides on the appropriateness of ECMO therapy